Version Control
Category: /knowledge /developmentTags: development
Basics ——— Staging area: between working tree and git repo, buffer the changes you want to commit to repo.
Create a repo:
mkdir mysite
cd mysite
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initialize the project to git"
Add a file, commit the change, and display the log
git add my_first_file.txt
git add -i # interactive mode
-p # patch mode
git commit -m "add my first page"
git commit -m "add my first page" -a
# -a means take the most current version of the file in the working tree
git status # check status
git log
git log --pretty=oneline
list all files in a repo
git ls-tree -r master --name-only
check logs
git log
git log -10 # last 10 entries
git log <commit hash>
git log --since="5 days"
git log --before="5 hours" -l # list changes older than 5 hours
git log hash_1..hash_2
git log has_id..HEAD or
git log has_id..
git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" 1.0..HEAD
# %h is hash, %s is the first line of the commit log, the subject
git log --pretty=oneline
git log -l HEAD^^^
^: acts like a minus one
~N: subtracts N from the commit name
diff files
git diff # compare working area with staging area
git diff --cached # compare staging area with repo
git diff HEAD # compare working area with repo
git diff --stat 1.0 #prints some statistics against tag 1.0
# default is HEAD
git blame $file_name
git blame -L <start>,<end> $file_name
git blame -L <start>,+10 $file_name # show 10 lines of code
git blame -L "/<\/body>/",+10 $file_name # support regular expression
git blame -M $file_name
# detect lines that have moved/copied within the same file
rename/move files
git mv $source $destination
list conflicted files
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
Undo commits
git commit -C HEAD -a --amend
# -C: use the log message from the commit specified, HEAD
# -c: launch an editor
# it can only be done for the last commit
For previous commit to undo, use git revert
git revert -n HEAD
git reviert -n <hash_name>
git commit -m "revert 2 commits"
# you need to explain why you do the revert
If you commit a private information and want to take it back, do git reset
git reset --hard HEAD^ # reset TWO commits
git reset --soft # stage all the previous commits but not commit them.
# you still have a chance to modify the previous commit
# by adding to or taking away from it.
Remote server repository
Create a remote repository
in remote server directly,
cd /opt/git mkdir $prj_name.git cd $prj_name.git git init --bare --shared
Or, if I want to add an existing git project to a remote server,
git clone --bare $prj_name /tmp/$prj_name.git scp -r /tmp/$prj_name.git $remote_server:$port/opt/git/
If the remote repository is setup already,
is the default remote repository name, just an alias to the full namegit remote add <remote repo> <repo url> e.g. git remote add origin $remote_server:/opt/git/$prj_name.git git push origin master git remote add tv tv:/opt/git/${prj_name}.git git push tv HEAD
To checkout a remote git repo
To check out the code via ssh:
git clone $USER@$prj_name.git
If ssh is not on default port number, check svn+ssh below to see how to setup
To commit changes to a remote repo
git push origin master
git push --dry-run # see what changes will be pushed
List remote repositories
git remote -v
git branch --remote --list
git branch -r # show branches in the remote repository
git ls-remote --heads origin
check remote repo URL
git remote show origin
git config --get remote.origin.url
To update changes to a remote branch
git fetch <remote repo>
# update the changes made in remote repo in your local repo,
# it doesn't merge into not local working branch
# one usage:
# git fetch
# git diff ...origin
git pull <remote repo>
# fetch changes and merge into local branch
# so it is actually a `git fetch; git merge`
typical usage:
git checkout master
git fetch
git diff origin/master
git pull --rebase origin master
or git rebase origin
delete a remote repo from current local working copy
git remote rm origin
git remote show
add repository to git hub
- create a new repository in github
push an existing repository to github
git remote add github git push -u github master
create a branch:
# create a branch form the default 'master' branch in Git
git branch $branch_name master
# create a branch from tag
git branch $branch_name 1.0
switch to a branch
git checkout $branch_name
create a branch and check it out
git checkout -b $branch_name
# create a branch from the master branch
git checkout -b $branch_name master
merge a branch
: take all the commits and squash them into one commit
git merge --squash $branch_name
rebase, a replay ‘merge’ from another branch.
# stay in the place need to be merged
# e.g. merge RB_1.0 to master branch
git rebase RB_1.0
delete a branch
git branch -d $branch_name
rename a branch
git branch -m $branch_new_name $old_name
- Mark release/milestones with tags
- restriction: Do NOT use
space, ~, ^, :, ?, *, [
in tag names
list all tags
git tag
Tag a version to a specific branch
git tag $ver $branch_name
It works similar to svn:external
git submodule
git submodule add $remote_mod_url $local_mod_name
git submodule init $local_mod_name
git submodule update $local_mod_name
git add $local_mod_name
git commit -m "update to track in submodule $local_mod_name"
git archive --format=tar \
--prefix=$branch_name/ $ver \
| gzip > my_release-$ver.tar.gz
git archive --format=zip \
--prefix=$branch_name/ $ver \
> my_release-$
git rebase saves stuff from your current branch that isn’t in the upstream branch to a temporary area. Your branch is now the same as before you started your changes. So, git pull -rebase will pull down the remote changes, rewind your local branch, replay your changes over the top of your current branch one by one until you’re up-to-date.
git rebase
git rebase --continue # tell Git the conflict is resolved
git rebase --onto master your_branch # TODO: explain here
git rebase -i HEAD~3 # reordering commits
# to squash multiple commits into one,
# change 'pick' to 'squash'
# to break one commit into multiple commits
# change 'pick' to 'edit', save and exit to start the rebase
# run `git log -1`, then you can use `git reset HEAD^ to make more changes.
# git commit -m "message 1" -a
# git commit -m "message 2" -a
# git rebase --continue
git reflog # list commits
git branch reflog-restored $commit_name
git checkout reflog-restored
git bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good $tag_name
git bisect reset # back to master branch
git bisect visualize
git bisect run $script
From SVN path
svn checkout url -- git clone url
svn update -- git pull
svn commit -- git commit -a
svn status -- git status
svn log | less -- git log
svn diff | less -- git diff
svn diff -rrev path -- git diff rev path
patch -p0 -- git apply
svn list url -- git show rev:path/to/directory
svn list
-- git branch
svn list
-- git tag -l
svn import file://repo-- git add .
svnadmin create repo -- git init
svn merge -c rev url -- git cherry-pick rev
svn merge -r 20:HEAD
-- git merge branch
svn copy \
-- git tag -a name
svn copy \
-- git branch branch
svn revert path -- git checkout path
svn blame file -- git blame file
svn switch url -- git checkout file|dir
git bash completion
In user home folder, do
mkdir .bash_completion.d
cp /usr/share/git/completion/git-completion.bash .bash_completion.d
To test, `. .bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
to show branch name
PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '
Undo things
undo staged, but not commit yet files
git reset HEAD file or git reset file git reset .
Compacting, garbage collection
git gc # no change in history, optimize the storage
git gc --aggressive # if you want reduce size more
show global variables
git config --global --list # list all variables
git config --global "C2 Programmer"
git config --global ""
git config --global color.ui "auto"
git config --global "commit"
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
ignore files: edit .git/info/exclude
In global level: vi ~/.gitignore
# use wildcards
# can also ignore all folders and files under it
How to setup an ignore list
- edit multiple entries at a time:
svn propedit svn:ignore .
- set properties from commandline:
svn propset svn:ignore "*.class" .
- set from a file:
svn propset svn:ignore -F ../dining3/.cvsignore .
Switch to Another Repository
You can then switch a current work directory to the new respository:
svn switch --relocate url-of-old-repos url-of-new-repos
查看状态 Reviewing Changes - svn status
To see what files you have changed or added to your checked out work, use the update command:
svn status
If you want to compare current working directory with remote repository, run
svn st -u
If you want ot view changes
svn log -r r1:r2 | less
To get a list of the releases for a project.
svn list
Then to check out a release you would type:
svn list
Branches and Tags
merge changes from trunk to branches
Suppose I made some changes in trunk ‘edit.html’ at revision 62, I need to move it to prod branch ‘cms-social’, here is what I do
svn diff -c 62
I should see some changes between r61 and r62, then do
svn merge -c 62 $remote/edit.html
U edit.html
svn merge -r 61:62 $remote/edit.html
try before real action:
#suppose you're in trunk, want to merge some change in branch 'test'
svn merge --dry-run -r 1793:1867 $remote/myfile.ext
the simplest step: merge all changes from another branch
svn merge $remote
Now the change has been made in local branch, I need to commit to SVN repository,
svn commit
Then in prod server, I can do ` svn up ` to fetch the latest change
fix conflicts
After you do a merge, if there is a conflict, there will be three files in your folder,
- fix conflict in
, 如果不想保留你的修改, 可以直接用一个版本覆盖原文件cp post.html.r259 post.html
- cp post.html post.html.merge-right.r260
- rm post.html.merge-left.r259
- svn resolved post.html
- svn commit post.html -m “your reasons here”
fix tree conflict
这个挺麻烦, 简单的办法是
svn resolve --accept working your_folder/files
但你可能丢失一个tree’s change history.
create a branch and work on it
$ svn copy \ \
-m "Create branch for CMS only."
Committed revision 353.
$ svn switch
At revision 353.
copy a directory to a branch
svn copy channel_blog
Tagging Projects or Creating Project Specific Versions
To create interim project releases, you must create “Tags” which identify a specify version of a project. This is done by making a virtual copy of a project in the tags directory. For example:
svn copy https://$svn_host/repos/$prj_name/trunk https://$svn_host/repos/$prj_name/tags/0.1.0 -m "Tagging the 0.1.0 release of the project"
or from a revision
svn copy -r 1 $REPO/trunk $REPO/branches/somebranch \
-m "Creating branch somebranch from revision 1 of trunk"
move data from one repository to another
This way you get a clean copy without any history
svn export path/to/your_old_repo/mydir ./mydir
svn import ./mydir path/to/your_new_repo/$prj_name
dump/filter, keep history/tag/branches
svnadmin dump /svn/old_repos > ./repository.dump
svndumpfilter include path/to/docs --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs --preserve-revprops < ./repository.dump > ./docs_only.dump
svnadmin load /svn/new_repos < ./docs_only.dump
- <a href=> StackOverflow </a>
- Repository Maintenance
- a detailed instruction
Recover deleted files
不常用, 记下来省得以后再找
svn log –verbose | grep -A5 -B5 your_deleted_file.txt
# find the revision number above
svn up -r number_found_above your_deleted_file.txt
Getting a list of projects
svn list --verbose file:///opt/svn/$prj_name/
Checking Out a Project - svn checkout
svn checkout file:///repository_name/$prj_name/trunk $prj_name #note the 'trunk' folder which is under '$prj_name'
svn checkout $prj_name
Add a New Project - svn import
Directory structure is like this:
type the following:
export prj_name=something
mkdir -p $prj_name/{branches,tags,trunk}
svn import $prj_name file:///opt/svn/repository_name/$prj_name -m "First Import"
svn import $prj_name https://$svn_host/$svn_repo_path/$prj_name -m "First Import"
svn+ssh setup
No special setup required on the server side if openssh server is up running. When openssh server is running on non-default port number, client side need to make a change.
either in subversion config:
:[tunnels] sshtunnel = ssh -p 12345
or in ssh config:
:Host User c2 Port 12345
Host HostName User c2 Port 12345
Apache Setup
Install package:
sudo aptitude install libapache2-svn
virtual host config:
<Location /svn> DAV svn # All repos subdirs of /opt/svn # any "/svn/foo" URL will map to a repository /opt/svn/foo SVNParentPath /opt/svn # how to authenticate a user Require valid-user AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion repository" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd AuthzSVNAccessFile /opt/svn/.svn-policy-file Satisfy Any </Location>
To create a user on the repository use, the following command:
sudo htpasswd2 -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd <username>
If Apache is running by user ‘www-data’, need to allow it to read/write svn repository
sudo adduser www-data dev
sudo chown -R c2:dev /opt/svn/prj_repo
sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/svn/prj_repo
Move a repository
dump data
svnadmin dump /path/to/repository > repository-name.dmp
load data
cd /path/to/new-repository svnadmin create repository-name svnadmin load repository-name < repository-name.dmp
Delete a repository
To remove a repository permanently, simplely delete the directory in the file system
rm -rf /opt/svn/$repo
If need to delete some files or directories, simple do
svn delete -m "delete files and directories" http://url/to/your_repo/dir/file
Create a Repository
run the following command from local machine.
svnadmin create /opt/svn/$repo
create/apply a patch
- to create a patch:
svn diff -r OLD:NEW> my_saving_world_fix.diff
- apply a patch:
patch -p0 -i my_saving_world_fix.diff
to check all files exist in the folder-i filename
specifies the patch file to apply
- SVN book - The online manual
- Version Control with Subversion by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick and C. Michael Pilato
- Quick sheet
- Subversion Tips for CVS Users
- Subclipse - Eclipse plugin
常用命令 ———— :::console Query the updated the files, and update them $cvs -nq update #not update, just see the changes
update most updated files, including new file/directory, removing sticky_tags
$cvs update -dPA
List projects in a repository:
cvs -d rls
Tags 简单应用
All major releases should be tagged:
cvs tag -b tag-name
To retrieve a tagged version, update your repository by doing:
cvs update -r tag-name
to switch to the branch, or to switch to the trunk:
cvs update -A"