Kindle active content 开发
Category: /knowledge /developmentTags: development agile
Amazon显然还没准备好, KDK已经一年了, 还没放出release版, 又去忽悠tablet去了. Focus, focus, focus呀. 不能看着人家Nook color赚钱就眼红. 不过话又说回来这年头出版业太难了. 也到了有大创新的时候了.
Kindle 如何阅读中文 ——————— 安装多看对于大多数人来说还是太麻烦. 我平时看中文杂志和网站不多, 看中文书用不着折腾多看.
- 先按”Home”键回到主页面
按”Del” 就会看见 search box, (其实按什么键都行) ;debugOn
~changelocale zh-CN.utf8 ;debugOff - 重启: 按”Menu”键, 选”Settings”, 再按”Menu”, 选”Restart”. 重启后就应该可以看中文了.
- you can have simple calculations in “search box”, like sin(38)
- alt + top row of letters on keyboard = numbers 1-0
- alt + shift + G = screenshot = alt + shift + H
- alt + G = screen refresh
- alt-t = show time
- shift + alt + m = play minesweeper
- press G in minesweeper screen, to play Go
- alt + home = Kindle Store
- press “Menu” to check time and free memory
In reading,
- alt + B = add/remove bookmarks
- use arrow keys to set the position, then
- shift + Sym = Turn text to speech on and off
Music controls,
- alt + space = turn music on and off
- alt + f = skip to next track
- alt + p = play/stop
Picture controls,
- make a folder called “pictures” at the root level of Kindle
- in Home screen, press alt + z to reload the folders
- f = full-screen
- q = zoom in
- w= zoom out
- e = reset zoom
- c = actual size
- r = rotate
- nav controller = pan
- Alt-Shift-0 set current picture as screensaver
- standby: switch power slide within 1 second
- restart: Alt-Shift-R, or “Home/Menu/Settings/Restart”. Alt-Shift-G make screenshot
- shutdown: switch and hold power slide 7 seconds
- reset to factory: switch and hold pwer slide 15 seconds, or “Home/Menu/Settings/Reset to factory mode”
click Home/Menu/Settings, then type
- 411 show diagnostics data
- 511 run loopback call test
- 611 diagnostic data service call
- 126 Lab126 team members
- ;dumpMessages dump current debug log into the “documents” directory
- ;debugOn set log level=2 and enable private commands
- ;debugOff set log level=1 and disable private commands