SonarQube Setup
Category: /blog /programmerTags: programmer sonar
SonarQube is an open platform to manage code quality. SonarQube will be used locally to measure the quality of the code being written. The code quality will be measured based on
- Java code violations. SonarQube has a set of rules that determine the code violation. These are based upon
- Java coding rules
- Static code analysis to identify bugs - based on FindBugs (an open source
- project).
- Unit test coverage. While Eclips gives unit test code coverage measurements, it does not retain history of the resutls. SonarQube retains history of the code coverage results, allowing the develpers to focus on improving code coverage on a regular or daily basis.
Add a project to SonarQube local server report
Maven build goal: mvn clean install sonar:sonar
Command shortcut
In Windows, C:\app\sonarqube-x.x\bin\windows-x86-64\StartSonar.bat
SonarQube console
Default login: admin/admin