Category: /templateIntervals merge/intersect
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def removeCoveredIntervals(intvs):
# 按照起点升序排列,起点相同时降序排列
intvs.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]))
# 记录合并区间的起点和终点
left = intvs[0][0]
right = intvs[0][1]
res = 0
for x, y in range(intv[1:]):
# 情况一,找到覆盖区间
if left <= x and y <= right:
res += 1
# 情况二,找到相交区间,合并
if right >= x and right <= y:
right = y
# 情况三,完全不相交,更新起点和终点
if right < x:
left = x
right = y
return len(intvs) - res