Django packages

Category: /knowledge /django
Tags: django


每选用一个app/package之前最好自己都要先做一番功课, 不用盲从别人的意见.


  • django-pagination: 这个最常用, 使用也很方便.
  • django-endless-pagination: with twitter-style and digg-style, using ajax
  • django-sorting: 这个可以sort on columns. 还没仔细看, 不知道是sort current data in the table, or do a new query to sort the whole list. Jquery里有一个plug-in, 可以实现sorting, 但那个只是针对当前表格数据的排序.


  • django-tagging: most popular app
  • django-tagging-ext: Adds in new features to supplement django-tagging
  • django-tagging-ng: Enhanced tagging application for Django, based on django-tagging
  • django-tagging-autocomplete
  • django-taggit: django-taggit is a reusable Django application for simple tagging.
  • supertagging: An interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup.
  • django-antichaos: Django application for easy tag manipulation.It is addon to django-tagging or django-taggin-ng applications. Using jquery, admin interface. Use BeautifulSoup in the example app.




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