配置Ubuntu LTS 10.04 Lucid desktop

Category: /blog /programmer
Tags: programmer

我从Ubuntu 6.06一路用上来, 对Ubuntu 10.04是又爱又恨. 喜欢的原因是配置方便, 启动飞快. 烦恼的地方是它对显卡的支持太糟糕. 我的笔记本用的是很大路的Nvidia 9400M, 结果死机的次数比过去四年里的总和还多一倍不止. 唉.



  1. check “Additional Drivers”

    • make sure wireless card driver is installed (Broadcom STA wireless driver)
    • remove the beta version of Video card, “activate” (post-release updates)
  2. map CAPS LOCK to ESC: Kubuntu/System Settings/Input Devices/Keyboard/Advanced/check “Configure keyboard options”/”Make Caps Lock an additional ESC”

  3. Disable screen lock: Kubuntu/System Settings/Power Management/Advanced settings/uncheck “Lock screen on resume”

  4. Change Windows theme: Kubuntu/System Settings/Workspace Appearance/choose “B II preview”, this theme saves space in title bars.

  5. Change titlebar double-click action: Kubuntu/System Settings/Window Behavior/Window Behavior/Titlebar Actions/Titlebar double-click: to “Maximize vertical only”

  6. Change Workspace Behavior: Kubuntu/System Settings/Workspace Behavior/
    • do not use “Virtual Desktops”
    • uncheck “Maximize windows by dragging them to the top of the screen”
    • Screen Edges: bottom left, “Show Desktop”
  7. copy .profile .bahsrc .bash_profile from backup drive

  8. sudo vi /etc/hosts

  9. Setup SSD

Software Installation

Development ————– Vim

sudo aptitude install vim exuberant-ctags

copy .vim* from backup drive


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

source control

sudo aptitude install subversion git


sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype

python packages

sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv python-imaging python-psycopg2 \
python-nose python-django-nose python-twill python-coverage libpq-dev \

node.js sudo aptitude install build-essential curl sudo aptitude install libssl-doc libssl-dev

restricted fonts and programs

flash, rar, msfonts, codec etc

sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras 
sudo aptitude install xfonts-wqy

播放.mov and H.264:

sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad mplayer vlc

NFS client

sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common

in Ubuntu 12.04, change to 
sudo apt-get install rpcbind nfs-common

manually mount

sudo mount server.mydomain.com:/home/media /home/nas 

auto mount at boot In this example my /etc/fstab was like this:

server.mydomain.com:/home/media /home/nas nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr /home/storage nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

multimedia applications


sudo aptitude install gimp inkscape

2D animation

sudo aptitude install synfig

Music apps

sudo aptitude install rosegarden audacity lilypond

video taking

sudo aptitude install recordmydesktop recorditnow

#for KDE recorditnow
#for GNOME gtk-recordmydesktop

MIDI play

sudo aptitude install fluidsynth vlc-plugin-fluidsynth tuxguitar-fluidsynth  

Extra for KDE

yakuake is a very nice app to have.

Post-Installation setup

sudo addgroup dev
sudo adduser $USER dev
sudo chown $USER:dev /opt

#copy backup /opt folders
rsync -a /media/data/backup/14z/opt/{adt,db,Django-1.5*,dropbox,javalib,public} /opt/
cd /opt
ln -s Django-1.5.* django_src

If virtualenv has problem: virtualenv –system-site-packages dev wo dev pip install html5lib markdown pygments web.py



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